There are many narratives, viewpoints and examples of antisemitism filling our news and social media channels. Jewish Teen Initiative at CJP has compiled a collection of resources to help you create space for conversation and learning and give you the tools you need to combat antisemitism in all its forms.

Creating Space for Conversation and Questions

With all of today’s news, it can be overwhelming to take it all in. It’s important to create time and space to talk about what’s happening in the world around us. Reach out to friends and trusted adults for support in answering your questions, and don’t be afraid to ask the tough ones.

Learning About Antisemitism

Antisemitism comes in many forms and is identified differently. Start by taking some time to learn what it is and how you can identify it. With social media and the 24-hour news cycle, it’s easier than ever to access news and being able to separate fact and opinion is crucial to forming your own understanding of an issue or topic.

Podcasts and Stories

Standing Up and Speaking Out

Focusing on Mental Health

Many of us get into the habit of “doomscrolling” at some point, especially during moments or extended periods of crisis. Feeling “in the know” can be a helpful coping mechanism during times of uncertainty, but it’s important to be mindful of the impact on our mental health, and remember that it’s never selfish to take a break from the news and take a moment (or more) to practice self-care.

For updated resources and community gatherings, visit Check out the Jewish Teen Initiative at CJP Instagram to stay connected. Would your community like to collaborate and/or host a conversation or opportunity for learning? Contact Brett Lubarsky or Leah Finkelman to learn more.

This post has been contributed by a third party. The opinions, facts and any media content are presented solely by the author, and JewishBoston assumes no responsibility for them. Want to add your voice to the conversation? Publish your own post here. MORE