What a year it’s been. And we’re not done yet, but some reflection is certainly in order.

One I could’ve never imagined, but I’m so honored to have been a part of and to have helped curate for this group of Jewish New England teens.

My name is Gabi Schiller and I’m the New England High School Regional Manager for StandWithUs. If you don’t know us, we’re an international, nonprofit, non-partisan Israel education organization dedicated to combating antisemitism. 

This past year I’ve managed 11 enthusiastic high school students in the StandWithUs Kenneth Leventhal Internship program, and I’ll be honest, I embarked on this journey as a regional manager with a mix of excitement and uncertainty. Working with teenagers, especially in the realm of advocacy and leadership, posed a new challenge for me. 

Little did I know that this experience would not only exceed my expectations but also fill me with immense pride as I watched these young minds blossom, thrive, and turn into leaders themselves. Knowing I had a hand in this process has been immensely fulfilling. 

At the outset, I wasn’t quite sure what to expect. Would the students be engaged? Would they embrace the values of StandWithUs? These questions lingered in my mind as we kicked off the internship. However, any doubts I had quickly dissipated as I witnessed the passion and dedication these students brought to the table.

One of the most rewarding aspects of my role has been witnessing the growth of each student throughout the internship, especially in the wake of Oct. 7. Instead of choosing to opt out, everyone leaned closer in, embracing their roles as a community leader, and responsibility toward one another.

Through our monthly mentorship meetings and regional continued education seminars, I’ve had the privilege of getting to know each of my students on a deeper level, understanding their aspirations, and guiding them through challenges they encountered along the way.

What truly sets this experience apart is the camaraderie that has developed among us. Bonding over shared goals and experiences, such as the value of education on a grassroots level. At its core, that is what StandWithUs is all about—that education is the road to peace.

That value was tested more than ever in the wake of Oct. 7 when we collectively experienced grief and anger like never before, but I am proud to say our group never abandoned those values.

Every intern was more mobilized before. Some focused more deeply on fundraising and sending direct support to Israel in their respective schools. Some turned to running programs about the ancient connection of Judaism to Israel at a time where we see Jewish history being rewritten. And, of course, some turned to bring the testimonies of Oct. 7 to their communities to shed light on the pain of the Jewish people through humanizing ourselves by being vulnerable.

We have become more than just a group of interns; we are a tight-knit community united by a common purpose. Helping them conduct these programs, watching them collaborate, and supporting each other through setbacks has been nothing short of inspiring.

One of my biggest highlights of our journey together was undoubtedly the StandWithUs International Conference. Gathering with peers from across the nation, we celebrated our achievements and reflected on how far we’ve come. The energy and enthusiasm were palpable as we bonded as a national group, exchanging ideas and strategies for advocacy. Within our small New England cohort, the conference served as a catalyst for even deeper connections, reinforcing our sense of unity and purpose.

As we enter the final stretch of the internship, I am filled with pride and optimism for what lies ahead. Together, we are making a difference in shaping the narrative surrounding Israel and combating antisemitism. Each student has grown not only as an advocate but also as a leader, equipped with the knowledge and skills to effect change in their communities.

I am also grateful for the support we get from our partners, partners such as CJP and JTI. Without this kind of support, our work could not continue!

In closing, the StandWithUs internship program in New England has been an incredible journey of growth, learning, and camaraderie. I am grateful for the opportunity to mentor these bright young minds and am excited to see the impact they will continue to make in the world. Together, we are empowering tomorrow’s advocates and shaping a better future for all.

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