“…and all the skilled persons who were endowed with skill and ability to perform expertly all the tasks connected with the service of the sanctuary carry it out.”
—Exodus 36:2
Recently in parashah Vayakhel-Pekudei, we learn about the rules of Shabbat, and Moses asks the Israelites for a donation of gifts and those who are skilled to help build the Mishkan (Tabernacle). As the Israelites were on their journey and in transition, they rallied to come together to build something special.
We are living in liminal space right now, experiencing a “new normal” that is still in transition. Many of us are finding ourselves dizzy from the stream of news, notifications and updates coming at us from all sides. And amidst all of the change this week, our community got to work.
Leaders, innovators and creatives from all over have asked important questions: How can we shift our thinking of “social distancing” to physical distancing with social connection? Where can we be catalysts for meaningful connection and shared moments? What do we need in order to take care of ourselves?
New spaces to gather, learn, engage and connect are popping up all over, just like they have for thousands of years in Jewish history! Calendars are overflowing, almost to an overwhelming amount. We’ve compiled a few of our favorites to help you sort through it all. If you need help navigating, let’s connect!
Many synagogues, Jewish overnight camps and communities are hosting virtual Shabbat gatherings and song sessions via Zoom and Facebook Live. Learn what’s happening on JewishBoston.com and JewishBostonTeens.com. Remember to make time to take care of yourself and reach out to others. We’re all in this together!
For Teens
- BBYO On Demand: A virtual experience for Jewish teens worldwide. A go-to place for teen-driven and created content, experiences and opportunities to gather virtually. There are hundreds of live and recorded opportunities to learn, play, listen, debate and connect. JTI Boston is proud to partner in this growing effort.
- Hillel@Home: Featured speakers, virtual college tours and connections to Jewish students from around the world.
- JewishLIVE.org: A portal to live-streaming Jewish experiences on the internet with opportunities for all ages and interests.
- NCSY: Creating new virtual experiences for teens to connect.
- URJ Northeast Camps and Youth Programs: Opportunities to gather and connect with camp and NFTY friends.
- USY HaNer: Opportunities to choose and schmooze with USY friends.
As we learn about new opportunities, check out JTI Boston Instagram stories to stay connected with #JewishBostonTeens! Looking for other tips? Read more at “A Teen Support Guide to Navigating Coronavirus.”
Health and Wellness
- “Managing the Stress and Uncertainty of Coronavirus“ (Harvard Business Review)
- “Self Care in the Age of Corona“ (The Times of Israel)
For Parents and Jewish Professionals
- JewishBoston.com is the place to find up-to-date resources on how the Jewish community is responding to the new coronavirus and how you can stay connected.
- Jewish Education Project is coordinating a number of trainings and events to help us learn, connect and support one another.
- Jewish Teen Education and Engagement Funder Collaborative has created a website that compiles resources for youth professionals.
- Moving Traditions has developed a number of resources and trips for teens living life during a pandemic.
- OneTable is encouraging us to think about what our virtual Shabbat tables and experiences can look like.
- OpenDor Media has compiled a vast library of videos and teaching materials.
- eJewishPhilanthropy’s “10 Critical Insights for Successful Online Gatherings” offers tips.
For more information, check out “Supporting and Empowering Our Teens During Challenging Times: COVID-19.”
This post has been contributed by a third party. The opinions, facts and any media content are presented solely by the author, and JewishBoston assumes no responsibility for them. Want to add your voice to the conversation? Publish your own post here. MORE