Teen Beit Midrash is a Jewish learning space for curious teens, serious in its approach to study and informal in atmosphere. We meet on Tuesday evenings, 6-8:30 p.m., at Harvard Hillel. Each session begins with dinner, and includes community time, chavruta and shiur.  Our learning is open to learners of all Hebrew levels.

Community, chavruta, and shiur are the core components to our program. The community time is set aside so we can get to know each other and what is going on in our lives, because Torah study is most meaningful when it is connected to our real life experiences. Chavruta time is when partners work together on the text. Shiur is when we come together for discussion and teaching.

Our learning focuses on the Talmud, tapping into something that transcends time and space. We grapple with the essential questions of what it means to live rightly in the world, what it means to be human. We are building a sense of your own identity as a Jew within the broader Jewish and secular worlds.